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tv   BBC World News  PBS  September 8, 2010 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT

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>> "bbc world news" is presented by kcet, los angeles. funding for this presentation is made possible by -- the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation, and union bank. >> union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies, from
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small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> and now, "bbc world news." >> bp releases its first report about the oil spill in the gulf of mexico. it says others must bear responsibility. and anti-islamist groups in nigeria freeze at 700 prisoners. the death of democracy. welcome to "bbc world news," broadcast to our viewers on pbs in america, also around the globe. my name is mike embley. coming up later for you -- despite worldwide outrage, the american church planning to burn the koran is not backing down.
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and how the way and mandan says reveals more than meets the eye. -- and how the way a man dances reveals more than meets the eye. hello to you. bp has given its own account of what caused it april's catastrophic oil spill in the gulf of mexico. eleven workers died when the deepwater horizon oil rig exploded. bp faces hundreds of lawsuits and compensation claims. its report today says no single factor caused the disaster. it accepts that some responsibility, but it points the finger of blame to several other companies. it speaks of a complex series of mechanical failures, as well as
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human errors and fault in engineering design. our business editor reports now. >> april 20 of this year. the worst oil spill in american history. 11 deaths. oil leaking into the gulf of mexico for 87 days. at last, we have the first detailed explanation from the company blamed for the disaster. >> this is a computer animation of the tragic accident. >> pressure tests that were misinterpreted, oil and gas that went where it should not have gone, and ultimately of fail- safe blowout preventer that did not shut the well down. >> it was an enormous report where bp explicitly admits it got it wrong. it faces a series of court
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cases. the game is given away in at this final section on investigation recommendations. it calls on improvements to engineering, procedures, technical practices. it recommends that the technical capability of staff be improved. and it calls on bp to show greater oversight of the huge companies like halliburton and transocean that work for bp. >> they have accepted some of the responsibility, but they also identified who else they feel has responsibility to bear. >> bp points the finger at inadequate cementing of the well by halliburton, and flaws in the transition -- transocean operations. but would bp be off the hook if contractors were at fault? >> arguably, bp should be
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ensuring through its contracts that the management structures of the other companies are adequate. >> so what is the verdict of bp's outgoing chief executive, tony hayward? it would appear unlikely the well-designed contributed to the incident, he said today. which matters because if the well-designed were flawed, bp would be liable for more fines, on top of the staggering costs that bp expects to incur. transocean says that tony hayward is wrong and the will design was flawed, which means that just as the citizens of the gulf coast do not know how much damage has been caused, so, too, bp will be living with the uncertainties for years. bbc news. >> charles perry is with me in
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the studio. he worked for bp for five years. he was the director of bp green energy. thank you very much indeed for coming in. what did this report say to you about the future of bp and the future of drilling? >> good evening. thank you for having me on the program. it is good to accept responsibility and move forward. i think we should not get back into the finger-pointing, blame game. >> you do not want to deal with the technicalities? >> if we are looking for people to plan, we all shoulder responsibility because it is humanity's addiction to oil that is at the heart of this. how do we move beyond oil? why are we digging up for oil to to 3 miles beneath the ocean? >> we know why we are doing it, presumably. we have an insatiable demand for it and do not have alternatives.
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does this report point in particular directions? obviously bp would like to point away from bp? >> they admitted there were a series of failures and they were to blame, and others were a part that. it rests with the company, with tony hayward. he is no longer the chief executive. bob dudley is now the chief executive. we need to move beyond this and track.back on the right under lord brown, it was beyond petroleum. i am sincerely hoping that bob dudley will get bp back on that track. >> what do you think it tells about where bp is heading now under mr. dudley and offshore drilling in general? >> hopefully, bob dudley will look hard again at the case for
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renewals and alternatives. as i was director of beat the green energy, we made an investment in what was known as bp alternative energy under lord brown. that has been cut back, and the focus went back to petroleum under tony hayward. hopefully bob dudley will get the company back on the track, which is beyond petroleum. >> thank you very much indeed. let's take you around the globe for the other main news. president obama has been detailing his plans to boost the american economy. his speech in cleveland, ohio highlighted his administration's plans for tax cuts. the u.s. secretary of state has said mexico's struck cartels increasingly look like an -- mexico's drug cartels
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increasingly look like an insurgency. the army was deployed against the cartels in 2006. the father of britain's prime minister has died. david cameron is the difference on the news that his father had suffered a stroke on holiday. he reached the hospital just before his father died. a russian passenger plane carrying 81 has crash landed, but all on board are uninjured. the jet was on its way to moscow when the power supply, fuel pump, and radio and navigation all failed. the jet came to rest safely in a nearby forest. hundreds of prisoners have escaped from a local jail in central nigeria as a gang of armed men attacked it. authorities are blaming a radical islamist sect.
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we have this report. >> police are hunting between 700 men and 800 men on the run. the gunmen who attacked the jail went from cell to cell, using bolt cutters, then setting fire to the building. intelligence indicates is the work of a radical islamists sacked, violently opposed to western education and science. around 100 other members were being held inside the jail awaiting trial for their part in last year's violent uprising against nigeria's police and government. back then, more than 800 were killed, and the leader was shot dead. the sec has been active, and they have headquarters in the capital. there has been unrest in other
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states, kabul, and other cities. they are for the implementation of strict islamist law. they have declared that they intend to regroup and rearm. it is feared this group are embracing new tactics and are behind a number of killings in which police officers are shot dead and the gunman speed up on motorbikes. bbc news. >> one tiny florida church has provoked demonstrations around the world. a response to its plans for announced burning of the koran to mark the 9/11 attacks. the pastor of the church is unaffected. he says the plans will go ahead for this saturday. >> from a small, rundown, and poorly-attended church in
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florida comes the u.s. preacher with inflammatory ideas. >> this book, mohammed, this book is not a book of peace. this book is responsible for 9/11. >> pastor terry jones is defying world opinion. he plans to stage of public iran burning on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. -- a public karan burning -- koran burning. >> is much more dangerous and violent that people would like to believe. >> it is regrettable that a passer with -- of pastor with a church of no more than 50 people can make this outrageous and distressful, disgraceful plan and get the world's attention. but that is the world we live in right now.
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>> the pastor, too, spoke out today, saying in reference to the 9/11 attacks, these deplorable acts cannot be -- already this week muslim protestors have taken to the streets. for at the university where president obama gave his address to muslims, there is trouble ahead. >> there is clearly anger that will not last long. there are deep wins that will last much longer. >> in afghanistan, there are fears that there will be retaliation. these views can play into the hands of moslem extremists. to them, this is a gift they would like to take advantage of.
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>> stay with us, if you can, and "bbc world news." silda come -- malaysia. -- still to come -- malaysia. >> he the carriage will then come down for the baby. >> will this new innovation save more abandoned babies or encourage mothers to give them up? first though, a team of explorers and scientists will set out to antarctica for what they hope will be the fastest land crossing of the continent. under way, they will test new equipment because it on at the way, they will test new equipment. -- on at the way, they will test new equipment. >> it is not a car or a plane, but it is with this unique contraction in the british expedition is hoping to cross antarctica. >> absolutely. >> the vehicle runs on bio-
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ethanol. there are extreme dangers ahead. >> some of the crevasses can be a kilometer date. once you go in, no one is going to get you out. >> this will carry the crew and their massive and equipment designed to exactly monitor the environmental impact of their journey. >> i am looking at how we can try to reduce the overall impacts. >> unfortunately, i cannot go to antarctica, but i have been offered a quick look around. let's go. we are climbing around a congested city. you can just imagine the wild landscape of in the arctic. for those lucky enough to go on
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this mission, it will be the road trip of a lifetime. what they will find on that trip is one of the many places on our planet where humankind has yet to make a lasting imprint. the hope is that some of the equipment used on the journey will help keep it that way. bbc news, central london. >> the latest headlines for you this hour on "bbc world news." an internal report from the oil giant bp has said several companies were to blame for the gulf of mexico spill. and hundreds of prisoners have escaped a local jail in central nigeria as a gang of armed men attacked it. authorities are blaming a radical islamist sect. of parliament has approved constitutional changes
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extending the powers of the president. this may give the president the power to appoint senior justices and serve as many terms as he wishes. we have this. >> earlier today, government supporters showed they can make their voices heard in the streets. the president has a huge support base. they want him to stay in the presidency, and they do not feel there is anyone to compete with him in opposition ranks. boosting his powers suits them well. but this man has other ideas. the defeated presidential candidates, now prisoner of the state, but able to go to the chamber as an elected mp, condemns the and then met. >> already, there are enough
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powers given to him. he has not been able to satisfy himself. he is trying to get more and more power, trying to take the country into a dictatorship. >> not far away, opposition activists demonstrated. for them, the 18th amendment sounds the death knell for democracy. marching towards parliament, they shouted slogans, accusing the president of getting back on promises to make the presidency more accountable, saying he is from a powerful family, and accusing him of making the country a dictatorship. their way was blocked by police. >> this amendment is against the constitution, against the wishes of the people, against the orders, and against democracy. we will take steps to reestablish democracy in this country and get the power of the boat back to the people.
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>> but how will they do that? this already weekend party lost badly -- this already waekened -- weakened party lost badly. [unintelligible] the opposition now knows it cannot do anything to stop this major constitutional amendment from doubling ahead. charles haviland, bbc news, colombo. >> it is now believed up to 500 women and children have been raped anti-democratic republic of condo, in recent weeks. one senior u.n. official accused peacekeepers of failing the people. >> great survivors in a region overwhelmed by sexual violence. -- rape survivors in a region
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overwhelmed by sexual violence. almost 500 women and children were raised by a rebel soldiers, in an apparently orchestrated campaign. >> they were specifically attacked by a group of men, between two and six people typically. they were beaten and sexually assaulted in front of family members and children. >> but could it have been stopped? the united nations runs the greatest peacekeeping operation here. there were troops and in the area, 20 miles away. communications are often difficult, but on this occasion, the u.n. admits it should have done much more. >> the primary responsibility for protection of civilian supplies with the state's. clearly, we have also failed.
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our actions were not adequate, resulting in an acceptable -- unacceptable violence in the region. we must do better. >> the u.n. has 20,000 peacekeepers here, but they are up against an ever-changing patchwork of rebel groups who now stands accused of raping some 15,000 women and children a year. the conflict has been fueled by the region's enormous mineral wealth. if you have a mobile phone, it could well contained metal dog in a mine like this one. u.n. officials have asked for sanctions against rebel groups accused of using rape as a weapon of war. but now the culture of impunity
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holds firm, with condo's when and paying the price. bbc news. >> malaysia has opened its first baby had to save the lives of an abandoned babies. over the past few years, they have been found in churches and rubbish bins. we have this report from the malaysian capital. >> at this baby was abandoned at birth, but in many ways, he is one of the lucky ones. his mother left him in a new baby hatch run by a charity. it is a response to the growing problem of abandoned babies. >> this is a baby hatch. all a mother has to do is place a baby in here, and an alarm will be triggered. at caretaker will then come take the baby. this way, the baby is kept safe, and the mother's identity never has to be known.
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>> the baby had is a radical for this muslim, majority -- this muslim-majority country. ♪ >> the government is so worried about the rising number of abandoned babies, it ran this advertisement on national tv. it asked the public to call a hotline if it came across an abandoned baby. here on the age of kuala lumpur is one of the few places on married pregnant women can turn to. having a child out of wedlock is seen as deeply shameful. abortions are not readily available. so women come here and tell their babies are born. these women asked us not to identify them. this woman is 18 and recently gave birth to a baby girl. her father thinks she is away studying. this woman is in her late 20s's.
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she is engaged with a steady job, but she still feels unable to keep her child. >> even know i'm getting married soon, my religion tells me this is wrong. if the baby were born out of wedlock, he would carry shame for the rest of his life. >> the shelter was opened by this man and his wife. he says are refuge like this is there to save lives, but it does not tackle the underlying problem of unwanted pregnancies. >> we started reporting years ago. -- would stop reporting years ago. now we have 70 pregnant women under our care. >> most of these women will give up their babies for adoption. in this country, unwed mothers still feel they have little choice. bbc news. >> women have been saying it for ages, but now science makes it
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official. nanette dancing badly are a complete turn off. -- men dancing badly are a complete turn up. good dancing me indicate good health and reproductive potential. >> and do you have the right moves to be a hit on the dance floor? >> i want you to dance for 30 seconds. >> here in new castle, -- newcastle, researchers are trying to find out what the right moves are. these movements were converted into a computer-generated cartoon, which women rated on a scale of one to 7. >> good dancers are guys making lots of variable movements. quite big movements. but it is variable. some have to make a large movement, and sent them and make a small movement. it is specifically movements of
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the head, neck, and upper body. >> here is an example of bad dancing. twitchy, repetitive movements. but this is what works. more movements with the torso, neck and head. and some nice variation, too. this was inspired after watching birds. like many animals, the use movement as part of the courtship ritual. scientists say the same it will be true of people. they found that those who dance well are healthier. it is an age-old way to meet someone. but now is showing -- it has been shown scientifically that watching someone dance may be one of the best ways u.s. as a potential problem. it is official. menu brush up on their moves can
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stand out on the dance floor. bbc news. >> you want to know, done here? yes, i have seen him dance, and he is ok. more on facebook and twitter. >> hello and welcome. >> see the news unfold. get the top stories from around the globe and click to play video reports. go to to experience the in-depth, expert reporting of "bbc world news" online. >> funding was made possible by -- the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation, and union bank.
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>> union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies, from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> there is one stage that is the met and carnegie hall. >> o, that this too, too solid flesh -- >> it is the kennedy center -- >> check, one, two. >> and a club in austin. [woman vocalizing] >> it is closer than any seat in the house, no matter where you call home. >> ♪ the top of the world, and i'm there, i'm home ♪ >> pbs -- the great american stage that fits in every living room. your support of pbs brings the arts home. >> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet, los angeles. presented by kcet, los angeles.
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